3,229 research outputs found

    The Flying Dutchman, English Spectacle and the Remediation of Grand Opera

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    A special edition of the Cambridge Opera Journal (Volume 29, Issue 1, March 2017) was produced from papers discussed at the conference Grand Opéra on the Move. This conference was convened at King’s College London, under the auspices of Professor Roger Parker’s European Research Council-funded Music in London, 1800–51 project (Advanced Grant 2012, "Music in London, 1800-1851": ERC-2012-AdG 323404-Muslond)

    Effects on Interpretation Bias, Mood, and Physical Tension During Mobile Device Usage: An Examination of Slumped, Upright, and Lying Down Postures

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of posture on interpretation bias, mood, and physical tension when using a mobile device. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: sitting slumped, sitting upright, or lying down. They were then asked to unscramble emotional and neutral sentences to measure interpretation bias. Self-reported measurements were used to measure mood and physical tension. No significant differences were found in the type of sentence unscrambled when sitting slumped and upright. When lying down, participants unscrambled fewer neutral sentences compared to emotional sentences. Physical tension was found to mediate the relationship between posture (slumped and upright) and mood. The results of this study provide insight into possible confounding variables influencing the relationship between posture and mood. Additionally, we showed that emotional content is processed differently compared to neutral content when lying down. Further research is needed to understand how psychological well-being is affected by physical tension caused by posture when using a mobile device

    Obtaining a Gender-Affirming Sexual History with Gender Nonconforming and Transgender Patients

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    This project introduces a methodology to change how providers ask the 5 P\u27s of a sexual history using gender-affirming language. Obtaining a gender-affirming sexual history will improve sexual health care, especially with gender nonconforming and transgender patients. Taking time to discuss sexual health and function can lead to prompt identification of sexual problems, risk-taking behaviors, and infection prevention. Using appropriate language to communicate with all patients can lead to better doctor-patient relationship.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1981/thumbnail.jp

    Ethnography of Campesinos: Political Ecology and Conservation of Biodiversity in a Man and Biosphere Reserve in Chiapas, Mexico

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    In 2015 countries in the United Nations committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Some of these goals refer to preserving biodiversity and ending poverty and hunger in rural areas. There is insufficient knowledge of how these goals might be accomplished in collaboration with local communities. In Mexico, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, rural areas are inhabited by campesinos: small-scale farmers and landowners. The present dissertation focuses on the livelihood of these local actors and discusses their economic strategy in relation to conservation discourses and conservation practices. I adopted a political ecology perspective and combined anthropological methods with ecological observations to developed fieldwork in ejido Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, a community inside the Man and Biosphere Reserve (MABR) La Sepultura, Mexico. Chapter 1 establishes the theoretical approach to this dissertation and describes the methods used. Chapter 2 explains who is the campesino and points out the central perspectives on conservation and political ecology in Mexico. Chapter 3 analyses the history of the ejido Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, and the role of campesinos in managing a temperate forest and a successional dynamic. Chapter 4 analyses the livelihood strategy of campesinos and explains its interplay with conservation projects promoted by La Sepultura. Chapter 5 illustrates how birds move through the landscape using both the mature vegetation of the forest and the surrounding successional vegetation as habitat. Chapter 6 explores current environmental and social movements in Mexico, and the growing claims of campesinos at La Sepultura. Finally, in Chapter 7, I argue that conservation projects can be a tool for global and local interests to coincide. By recognising the human rights of campesinos and paying attention to their livelihood, conservation agencies move beyond ecological discourses and contribute to sustainability and the SDGs

    Percepción del clima emocional, problemas sociales y confianza institucional en tiempos de violencia

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    El objetivo de este estudio es conocer el clima emocional que predomina en habitantes del Estado de México y cómo este se relaciona con la percepción de problemas sociales y la confianza institucional, en un tiempo en que la violencia se ubica como tema prioritario tanto en la agenda como en la percepción pública en México. Esta investigación es descriptiva-correlacional, de diseño transversal. Los resultados revelaron que en la muestra de 552 participantes, habitantes del Estado de México, la balanza del clima es negativa. El clima positivo se relaciona negativamente con la percepción de problemas sociales y positivamente con la confianza institucional, que se relacionó de forma negativa con la identificación de problemas sociales

    Identidad Social y Protesta Política en la Transición Democrática Mexicana

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    Se realizó un estudio para analizar la influencia del componente de la identidad social en las acciones de protesta política en el marco del desafuero del alcalde de la Ciudad de México. De los elementos que componen la identidad social sólo la estructura de la situación intergrupal y la identificación grupal resultaron ser variables con capacidad predictiva, así se evidencia que la pertenencia a organizaciones, el grado de inclusión en la identificación y la valoración política no impactan en la decisión de participar en acciones de protesta

    Metáfora y tabú en anuncios en inglés entre 1920 y 1930

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    Metaphor and taboo in 1920-1930 advertisements in English. This article analyzes the lexico-grammar component and two dimensions of language (structure and system), as well as the use of structural, ontological and orientational metaphors in Kotex® advertisements in English in 1920-1930, applying Halliday´s systemic-functional grammar (2004) and Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) approach to metaphors. A comparison is made between the metaphorical instantiation of the menstruation taboo in 1920-1930 and in modern times, showing that the conception has not been significantly altered.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el componente léxico-gramatical y dos dimensiones del lenguaje (estructura y sistema) en relación con el uso de las metáforas estructurales, ontológicas y en laorientacionales en anuncios en inglés de toallas sanitarias marca Kotex década 1920-1930. Se utilizarán para este propósito la gramática sistémico-funcional de Halliday (2004) y la propuesta de Lakoff y Johnson (1998) sobre metáforas. Finalmente, se hará una comparación entre la codificación metafórica del tabú de la menstruación en esa época y en la actualidad, para demostrar cómo esta concepción se ha mantenido intacta

    Tomada de decisões no fim da vida e crenças religiosas : opiniões e posicionamentos quanto à morte e à eutanásia na Argentina

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    This paper analyzes the opinions on and attitudes towards the end of life among the population residing in Argentina. The data presented are taken from the Second National Survey of Religious Beliefs and Attitudes in Argentina, which was conducted on a multi-stage sample of 2421 cases in 89 districts throughout the country. Opinions about the end of life include positions in favor of euthanasia, requesting life extension through life support technologies, and leaving death to God’s will. Religious beliefs and affiliations prove to be determining variables in the positions taken by Argentine citizens regarding the end of life, death, and euthanasia. Furthermore, among those without any religious affiliation, some positions of autonomy over their bodies stand out: prolonging life and bringing life to an end, which means that their support for euthanasia can be assumed. The data presented here intend to contribute to planning health policies about the end-of-life process. The different views on this process or, in other words, the beliefs, values, and needs of patients and their families have a unique relevance that must be considered in the organization of care settings in end-of-life contexts.El presente documento analiza las opiniones y actitudes hacia el final de la vida entre la población residente en Argentina. Los datos presentados fueron tomados de la Segunda Encuesta Nacional de Creencias y Posturas Religiosas en Argentina, que se realizó en una muestra en varias etapas para 2421 casos en 89 distritos de todo el país. Las opiniones sobre el final de la vida incluyen posiciones a favor de la eutanasia, la solicitud de prolongación de la vida por medio de tecnologías de soporte vital y dejar la muerte a la voluntad de Dios. Las creencias y afiliaciones religiosas demuestran ser variables determinantes en las posiciones tomadas por los ciudadanos argentinos en relación con el fin de la vida, la muerte y la eutanasia. Además, entre los que no tienen ninguna afiliación religiosa, destacan algunas posiciones de autonomía sobre sus cuerpos: prolongar la vida y poner fin a la vida, lo que significa que se puede asumir su apoyo a la eutanasia. Los datos presentados aquí tienen la intención de contribuir a la planificación de las políticas de salud sobre el proceso del final de vida. Las diferentes opiniones sobre este proceso o, en otras palabras, las creencias, valores y necesidades de los pacientes y sus familias tienen una relevancia única que debe considerarse en la organización de entornos de atención en contextos del final de la vida.Neste documento, analisam-se as opiniões e as atitudes no fim da vida entre a população residente na Argentina. Os dados apresentados foram coletados da Segunda Pesquisa Nacional de Crenças e Posicionamentos Religiosos na Argentina, que foi realizada numa amostra em várias etapas para 2.421 casos em 89 distritos de todo o país. As opiniões sobre o fim da vida incluem posicionamentos a favor da eutanásia, a solicitação de prolongação da vida por meio de tecnologias de apoio vital e deixar a morte à vontade de Deus. As crenças e as afiliações religiosas demonstram ser variáveis determinantes nos posicionamentos tomados pelos cidadãos argentinos com relação ao fim da vida, à morte e à eutanásia. Além disso, entre os que não têm afiliação religiosa, destacam alguns posicionamentos de autonomia sobre seus corpos: prolongar a vida e dar fim à vida, o que significa que pode ser assumido seu apoio à eutanásia. Os dados apresentados aqui têm o objetivo de contribuir para planejar as políticas de saúde sobre o processo de fim da vida. As diferentes opiniões sobre esse processo ou, em outras palavras, as crenças, os valores e as necessidades dos pacientes e suas famílias têm uma relevância única que deve ser considerado na organização de contextos de entornos de atenção em contextos no fim da vida